Custom photography, out of home, digital ads, social, magazine ads

Medical Excellence campaign

I was responsible for the design, art direction, photo oversight and retouching.

Seeking the best care

Our consumer research showed that medical excellence is a key driver for a potential member to consider joining Kaiser Permanente. And, mainly focused around three distinct specialties: maternity/pediatrics, cardiac and cancer care. Our approach centered around highlighting and promoting the incredible doctors that our members can turn to for world-class, top-notch care.

We targeted an external broad consumer audience in the greater Puget Sound and Spokane area.

Custom photography

All of the imagery in the campaign needed to work equally well in all placements — from 90 pixel tall web banners to 20 foot high billboards. I did all of the Photoshop retouching, compositing and color adjustments — in fact, the splash image up above is a combination of two separate photos.

Out of home

Digital advertising

The digital ads were built into a templated system that can adjust imagery vs. headlines on the fly. Creative variations are algorithmically generated — saving a massive amount of production time — and are also able to be dynamically optimized for performance by factors like audience, geography, publication, etc.

Social media

The campaign ran across Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Magazine advertising